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Import and Export Series

Data can be entered in the HYMOS database in one of the following ways:

  • by reading from files,
  • via the HYMOS Import Wizard
  • via the data entry menus from the keyboard, and
  • through the HYMOS system as a result of computations.

The import/export function offers the possibility to import and export time-series or Stage Discharge data. When the function is selected the following form is presented.

Import Series
To import time series, select the <Import> Tab and the <Timeseries> Tab, the list box with imported series should be empty. Press the <Import Series> button to start the import Server of HYMOS.Various file-import file types are supported:

  • TMX files,
  • HYMOS Special ASCII files of equidistant time series and non-equidistant time series,
  • HIS-files,
  • SWDES ASCII files of equidistant time series and non-equidistant time series,
  • Free ASCII equidistant series.
    The following screen appears, allowing you to import various types of files:

    After selection of the file type to import and the filename of the file containing the time series the series codes and characteristics of these series will be presented in the <Timeseries> tab, press <Save> to save the series to the HYMOS database. Note that when series are imported they are not directly stored to the database; you have to check the series codes in the list box and press <Save> to save them. To select all series in one go, press the right mouse button when the mouse is on top of the series list box, and select <Select All>.
    Note :
    When importing HYMOS Special ASCII series make sure the decimal sign of the values in the ASCII file is a point (".") and not a comma (",").
    Export Series
    To export time series, select the <Export> Tab and the <Timeseries> Tab. In the series list box you will have the time series codes that fulfil your selection made in the main HYMOS tabs. Check the series codes in the series list box to define the time series to export. To select all series in one go, press the right mouse button when the mouse is on top of the series list box, and select <Select All>.
    Press the <Export Series> button to start the export Server of HYMOS. After selection of the file type and the filename to export to the time series will be exported.

    Layout of Special ascii-files for transfer

    In this section the layout of special ascii-files for transfer of field data or data from other sources or databases to the hymosdatabase is dealt with for equidistant time series and non-equidistant time series.
    In HYMOSyou can import two types of special ASCII files: one for equidistant time series and one for non-equidistant time series. Choose 'hymosspecial ASCII/Eq' and you will be presented with the Windows file open dialogue window, allowing you to choose the equidistant time series file to import:
    When choosing 'hymosSpecial ASCII/Non-Eq' you are able to select the non-equidistant time series file to import.
    After having chosen the right file, you are kindly requested to fill in extra information, e.g. on the value to fill in to identify missing values.
    The following tables present all options of importing Special ASCII files. The numbers between brackets correspond to the describing text in this section.

    Data are read from data files. Data files may consist of one or more data blocks of one or more series. The way the data are structured in the file and in the blocks is either specified in file- and block-headers or is entered via the screen, leading to the following options:
  • data files with headers, and
  • data files without headers.
    For reasons of proper file documentation and safety in data transfer the option with header is strongly advocated. However, both options are dealt with.
    The data in a particular file may be presented either in free or in fixed format and may be read:
  • one series per block: time sequentially row-wise, or
  • one series per block: time sequential column-wise, or
  • multiple series, per block structured parallel, i.e. column-wise.
    01 - Entry and Edit^image008.jpg!
    Further details may vary from block to block and are to be specified for each data block. Hence two types of headers must be used in a data file, viz.:
  • A File Header at the top of a data file, and
    - _ _Block Header(s) , one above each data block.
    In the File Header the user specifies whether the data is to be read in fixed or free format and whether the data are time sequential row by row or column by column as a single or multiple series. The number of series in the data block, series code(s), start date, data block layout, conversion factor and reference level is contained in the Block Header. This leads to the following general file structure:
    01 - Entry and Edit^image010.gif!

    Layout of File Header

    The File Header of equidistant time series comprises 2 lines:
    Line 1: the first 4 positions must contain either the word freeor the word fixe:
    free: the data will be read in free format (data separated by blank(s) or a comma)
    fixe: the data will be read in fixed format (each value has the same field length)
    Line 2: the first 3 positions of the line must contain either the word row, col, or par:
    row: one series per block and the data are time sequential row-wise
    col: one series per block and the data are time sequential column-wise
    par: multiple series per block and the data are time sequential column-wise
    Block Header(s)
    The layout of the data Block Header depends beside on the layout of the data block also on the contents of the File Header; following distinction is made:
    1. single series row-wise reading
  • File Header = free+row (1),
  • File Header = fixe+row (2),
    2. single series column-wise reading,
  • File Header = free+col (3),
  • File Header = fixe+col (4),
    3. multiple series column-wise reading,
  • File Header = free+par (5)
  • File Header = fixe+par (6)
    Data files without headers (7) requires data block(s):
  • in fixed format, and
  • row-wise time sequential data.
    The data files of non-equidistant time series comprise only one data block, which may contain a number of series, structured column-wise (8).

    Number of rows

    If only one block of equidistant data exists in the file, the number of rows (see below) does not have to be entered. The value can be skipped in the input by entering ,, instead of e.g.,12,.


    The HYMOS special ASCII file formats were developed under HYMOS 3. In this version of HYMOS the number of characters entered for a station ID were limited to 10, the number of characters entered for a parameter ID were limited to 2. It is not possible to use ID's with more characters than these limits. When your ID's have 12 or 3 character lengths for station and/or parameter use the SWDES file format instead.

    Block header of equidistant, row-wise, free format data blocks with headers (1)

    Block header

    Line 1 : Series code first series (fixed format):
    01 - 10 station code
    11 - 12 data type
    13 time interval unit
    14 - 15 time interval divider (right justified)
    Line 2 :
  • start date (yyyy,mm,dd,hh,si)
  • number of rows
  • number of columns
  • conversion factor, if required (default = 1.)
  • reference level, if required (default = 0.)


    If the last record of the data block is incomplete (i.e. if the number of values is less than the number of columns), the record must end with a / (slash).


    The data file Layout of a data file consisting of two data blocks. The first block comprises daily discharges of station NOP01 from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 1990, i.e. 365 data. The number of columns is 10, hence the number of rows is 37 of which 36 are complete and the last one is incomplete. The second block comprises monthly rainfall totals of station NOP02 from April 1947 to March 1991, 12 values per row.

    Data file



    File Header line 1


    File Header line 2

    NOP01 QH3 1

    Header Block 1 line 1


    Header Block 1 line 2

    1.50 2.12 2.23 2.59 2.63 3.75 4.50 4.66 5.04 5.15

    row 1



    1.89 1.76 1.64 1.43 1.34 /

    row 37

    NOP02 PH2 1

    Header Block 2 line 1


    Header Block 2 line 2

    49 52 57 78 89 71 72 70 64 69 52 44

    row 1



    53 58 52 75 101 69 65 74 58 74 49 49

    row 44

    Note that the last row (37) of Block 1 is broken off with / because the row is incomplete (number of values is less than the number of columns), whereas in the last row (44) of Block 2 no / is applied as the number of data in the row corresponds with the number of columns.

    Block header of equidistant, row-wise, fixed format data blocks with headers (2)

    Block Header

    Line 1 : Series code (fixed format):
    01 - 10 station code
    11 - 12 data type
    13 time interval unit
    14 - 15 time interval divider (right justified)
    Line 2:
  • start date (yyyy,mm,dd,hh,si), separated by blanks
  • number of rows
  • number of columns
  • conversion factor, if required (default = 1.)
  • reference level, if required (default = 0.)
  • start position of first data field
  • length of data field (all fields must have the same length)


    In this fixed-format reading you must not apply a / to break off an incomplete row at the end of a data block! (This in deviation from the free-format reading case shown above.)
    In case fields are left empty within the data block, a "0" is filled in during the transfer of data.
    Because the start position of the first data field in a row is to be specified, the left side of the data block before the start position of the first data field will not be read and may therefore be used for some codes on e.g. dates.


    Layout of data file with hourly rainfall amounts of the station beek. The data block for beekcontains 75 rows and 10 columns and starts on the first of May 1983; the data are given in mm which is the same as the unit of data type ph, hence the conversion factor is 1. and the reference level is 0.; the field length is 5 and the first field in a row starts at the first position.

    Data file



    File Header line 1


    File Header line 2

    BEEK PH4 1

    Block Header line 1

    1983 5 1 0 1 75 10 1. 0. 1 5

    Block Header line 2

    ‑1.0 ‑1.0 .4 .2 .3 .8 .0 .3 .0 .3

    row 1

    .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 3.2 .0 .0 .1

    row 2

    .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0

    row 3

    .0 .0 .0 1.3 1.5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0

    row 4

    .7 .0 1.2 .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0

    row 5

    .0 .0 .2 .2 .5 .2 .0 .0 .0 .5

    row 6

    .0 .5 .0 .8 .0 .9 .0 .0 .0 .0

    row 7

    .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0

    row 8

    .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2

    row 9



    .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0

    row 74

    .0 .0 .0 .0

    row 75

    Block header of equidistant, column wise, free format data blocks with headers (3)

    Block Header
    Line 1 : Series code (fixed format):
    01 - 10 station code
    11 - 12 data type
    13 time interval unit
    14 - 15 time interval divider (right justified)
    Line 2:
  • start date (date in hymosformat: yyyy,mm,dd,hh,si), separated by blanks
  • maximum number of rows (nrows)
  • number of columns (ncolumns)
  • conversion factor, if required (default = 1.)
  • reference level, if required (default = 0.)
    Line 3:
  • number of rows in each column
  • Next lines, data block of size (nrows*ncolumns).
    The columns should be completed with some value (e.g. 0) up to the maximum number of rows in a column, (see also columns 2 and 5 in the example shown below).
    Layout of data file of daily discharges of station mark from 1 October 1980 to 31 March 1981. The maximum number of rows in a column is 31 (max. number of days in a month) and the number of columns is 6 = number of months.
    Note, as the columns 2 (= November) and 5 (= February) are incomplete their columns are filled up with zero's for reading purposes; these zero's are not transferred to the database.

    Data file



    File Header line 1


    File Header line 2

    MARK QQ3 1

    Block Header line 1

    1980 10 1 0 1 31 6 1 0

    Block Header line 2

    31 30 31 31 28 31

    Block Header line 3

    .10 .34 .52 .54 .39 .31

    row 1

    .10 .29 .49 1.11 .38 .41

    row 2

    .10 .26 .47 2.64 1.05 .50

    row 3



    .91 .92 .55 .44 0 .49

    row 29

    .60 .59 .51 .42 0 .46

    row 30

    .42 0 .47 .40 0 .42

    row 31

    Block header of equidistant, column wise, fixed format data blocks with headers (4)

    Block Header
    Line 1 : Series code (fixed format):
    01 - 10 station code
    11 - 12 data type
    13 time interval unit
    14 - 15 time interval divider (right justified)
    Line 2:
  • start date (date in hymosformat: y­yyy,mm,dd,hh,si), separated by blanks
  • maximum number of rows (nrows)
  • number of columns (ncolumns)
  • conversion factor, if required (default = 1.)
  • reference level, if required (default = 0.)
  • start position of first data field
  • length of data field
    Line 3:
  • number of rows in each column
  • Next lines: data block of size (nrows*ncolumns)
    In case fields are left empty within the columns, a "0" is filled in during the transfer of data. This also applies when the given column length (line 3) is longer than the actual length.
    Layout of data file of daily discharges of station mark from 1 October 1980 to 31 March 1981, almost similar to the free format case shown above. The maximum number of rows in a column is 31 (max. number of days in a month) and the number of columns is 6 = number of months. The first two positions in each line are used for comment (day number) and need not be read, hence the first data field starts at position 3. The field length is 8.
    Note that as the reading is fixed format the columns need not be completed with zero's as was the case with free format reading in the example above.

    Data file



    File Header line 1


    File Header line 2

    MARK QQ3 1

    Block Header line 1

    1980 10 1 0 1 31 6 1 0 3 8

    Block Header line 2

    31 30 31 31 28 31

    Block Header line 3

    1 .10 .34 .52 .54 .39 .31

    row 1

    2 .10 .29 .49 1.11 .38 .41

    row 2

    3 .10 .26 .47 2.64 1.05 .50

    row 3



    29 .91 .92 .55 .44 .49

    row 29

    30 .60 .59 .51 .42 .46

    row 30

    31 .42 .47 .40 .42

    row 31

    Block header of equidistant, column wise, multiple series free format data blocks with headers (5)

    If data blocks comprise more than one series, each column representing a different series, HYMOS can read the block in free or fixed format. In free format generally all columns will be transferred, i.e. number of columns = number of series (exceptions are possible).
    Block Header Line 1
    Number of series Ns in the data block (= number of columns) that will be transferred to hymos. In case Ns is smaller than the total number of columns, only the first Ns columns will be transferred.
    Next Ns-lines
    Series code(s), (fixed format), one per line:
    01 - 10 station code
    11 - 12 data type
    13 time interval unit
    14 - 15 time interval divider (right justified)
    Next line
  • start date (date in hymosformat: yyyy,mm,dd,hh,si) separated by blanks
  • number of rows (nrows), of equal length for all columns in the block
  • number of columns (ncolumns), must be equal to N~s~ , the number of series
  • conversion factor (if required), the same for all series (default = 1.)
  • reference level (if required), the same for all series (default = 0.)
  • data block of size (nrows*ncolumns).
    Layout of data file of daily discharges of stations mark01, mark02, vollenh and blokzijl from 1 October to 30 November 1980. Hence there are 4 columns with length 61 (total number of days in the two months).

    Data file



    File Header line 1


    File Header line 2


    Block Header line 1

    MARK01 QQ3 1

    Block Header line 2

    MARK02 QQ3 1

    Block Header line 3


    Block Header line 4


    Block Header line 5

    1980 10 1 0 1 61 4 1. 0.

    Block Header line 6

    .10 .12 .70 .78

    row 1

    .43 .46 1.49 1.51

    row 2

    .52 .55 2.47 2.54

    row 3

    .54 .59 2.46 2.51

    row 4

    .39 .43 1.45 1.52

    row 5



    .25 .29 1.23 1.30

    row 61

    Block header of equidistant, multiple series, column wise, fixed format data blocks with headers (6)

    If data blocks comprise more than one series, each column representing a different series, hymoscan read the block in free or fixed format. In fixed format not necessarily all columns are necessarily transferred to the database, i.e. number of columns ³number of series to be transferred.
    Block_Header Line 1_
    Number of series N~s~ in the data block to be transferred (£number of columns)
    Next_N_ s -lines
    Series code(s), start position and field length (fixed format), one per line:
    01 - 10 station code
    11 - 12 data type
    13 time interval unit
    14 - 15 time interval divider (right justified)
    16 - 18 start position of series field (right justified)
    19 - 20 field length (right justified)
  • start date (yyyy,mm,dd,hh,si)
  • number of rows (nrows), of equal length for all columns in the block
  • number of columns (ncolumns)
  • conversion factor (if required), the same for all series (default = 1.)
  • reference level (if required), the same for all series (default = 0.)
  • data block of size (nrows*ncolumns).
    In case fields are left empty within the columns, a "0" is filled in during the transfer of data.
    Layout of data file of daily discharges of stations mark01, mark02, vollenh and blokzijl from 1 October to 30 November 1980. The series of stations mark02 and blokzijl will be transferred. In the file the first 2 positions of each line are reserved for comments. The field lengths of the series are respectively:
    discharge mark01, field length = 8,
    discharge mark02, field length = 8,
    discharge vollenh, field length = 8,
    discharge blokzijl, field length = 10.
    Hence the series of station mark02 starts at position 2 + 8 + 1 = 11 and the one of station blokzijl at position 2 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 1 = 27. The column length is 61 (total number of days in the two months).

    Data file



    File Header line 1


    File Header line 2


    Block Header line 1

    MARK02 QQ3 111 8

    Block Header line 2

    BLOKZIJL QQ3 12710

    Block Header line 3

    1980 10 1 0 1 61 2 1. 0.

    Block Header line 4

    01 .10 .12 .70 .78

    row 1

    02 .43 .46 1.49 1.51

    row 2

    03 .52 .55 2.47 2.54

    row 3

    04 .54 .59 2.46 2.51

    row 4

    05 .39 .43 1.45 1.52

    row 5



    30 .25 .29 1.23 1.30

    row 61

    File with equidistant, row-wise, fixed format data blocks without headers (7)

    Data files without headers requires data block(s):
  • in fixed format, and
  • row-wise time sequential data.
    The series code, start date, header lines to be skipped, number of rows (may be ignored), number of columns, conversion factor, reference level, start position of first data field and length of the data field are then entered from the screen.

    Block header of non-equidistant, column-wise, free format data blocks with headers (8)

    The data files of non-equidistant time series comprise only one data block, which may contain a number of series, structured column-wise. For entry to the hymosdata base a non-equidistant time series data file should have the following layout:
    Line_1 to 10_
    01 - 10 station code of first series
    11 - 12 data type of first series followed by similar declarations for the other data series on lines 2 to 10
    In case you want to skip certain columns or your file contains less than 10 data columns, leave the corresponding lines open! A maximum of 10 columns of data can be loaded from the same file in one run.
    Next lines: per line (free format)
  • year,
  • month,
  • day,
  • hour,
  • minute,
  • value series 1,
  • value series 2, etc.
  • / (only needed in lines with missing values!)
    It is not allowed to enter a column which contains empty spaces. In that case, the empty spaces have to be filled with for example the selected value for missing data!
    Given is a water quality parameter data file of station devoorst with the following layout:
    date O2 KjN NH4 NO2 NO3 Cl
    80-01-07 7.75 4.3 2.6 0.09 4.8 72
    80-01-22 10.50 6.2 5.5 0.08 2.9 108
    80-02-06 7.20 8.1 3.6 0.09 5.3 65
    80-02-21 9.65 6.6 3.7 0.11 4.2 90
    The series codes are respectively for:
    O2 = DEVOORST O2
    To transfer these series to the hymosdatabase the file should have the following layout:


    01 - Entry and Edit^image011.gif!

    O2_2_ DEVOORST
    N4_4_ DEVOORST
    N2_5_ DEVOORST
    N3_6_ DEVOORST
    CL_7_ ...8 ...9 ...0 ...1 1980 01 07 0 0 7.75 4.3 2.6 0.09 4.8 72 /2 1980 01 22 0 0 10.50 6.2 5.5 0.08 2.9 108 /3 1980 02 06 0 0 7.20 8.1 3.6 0.09 5.3 65 /4 1980 02 21 0 0 9.65 6.6 3.7 0.11 4.2 90 /

    Batch processing

    Data files with or without file header may be processed using the Batch processing option. Therefore an ascii‑file (batch file) must be created with names of hymos data input files (full path). If the data file has no header, the header must be added in the batch file following the data file name (see example below). In that case only one set of data can be trans­ferred from the data input file. If the header is in the data input file, any number and types of sets may be transferred. Messages will be send to output.

    Batch file



    Data file name 1


    File Header line 1


    File Header line 2


    Header Block 1 line 1


    Header Block 1 line 2


    Data file name 1

    Data file devoorst.datdoes not have a header (see below), so the header of the data follows the data file name in the batch file. The contents of data file 1 - d:\datafile\devoorst.dat- is shown below. The information on the file is read from the batch file.

    Data file


    .10 .34 .52 .54 .39 .31

    row 1

    .10 .29 .49 1.11 .38 .41

    row 2

    .10 .26 .47 2.64 1.05 .50

    row 3



    .42 .47 .40 .42

    row 31

    Data file emmeloor.dat contains two blocks of data including header (see below). Both blocks will be processed.

    Data file



    File Header line 1


    File Header line 2

    NOP01 QH3 1

    Header Block 1 line 1


    Header Block 1 line 2

    1.50 2.12 2.23 2.59 2.63 3.75 4.50 4.66 5.04 5.15

    row 1



    1.89 1.76 1.64 1.43 1.34 /

    row 37

    NOP02 PH2 1

    Header Block 2 line 1


    Header Block 2 line 2

    49 52 57 78 89 71 72 70 64 69 52 44

    row 1



    53 58 52 75 101 69 65 74 58 74 49 49

    row 44

    SWDES Equidistant

    The SWDES file types are special file types from the "Surface Water Data Entry Software" used in India. The layout of these files is quite simple and can therefore be used by others. The equidistant file type can contain many blocks of data; each block is a series with specified series ID and start date. Each block must contain a header and lines with data
    Layout of Bock Header
    The Block Header may comprise many lines with remarks, starting with a "!". There must however be two lines in the header with the following information:
    Line 1:
  • time interval unit,
  • time interval divider,
  • basic time unit interval,
  • replicator,
  • number of series,
  • number of data values,
  • starting data
    Line 2
  • number of series:
  • station ID,
  • parameter ID
    A comma is used as separator between the different items.
    Layoutof data lines
    The data lines are values serrated by a comma.

    Data file


    ! Currently -999.99 is used as missing value
    1.1, 2.1, 3.1
    4.2, 5.2, -999.99
    6.3, 7.3, 8.3
    ! Currently -999.99 is being used as missing value
    1.11, 2.11, 3.11
    -999.99, 5.21, 6.22
    6.32, 7.31, 8.31

    Comment line
    Block 1 Header line 1
    Block 1 Header line 2
    Data line 1
    Data line 2
    Data line 3
    Comment line block 2
    Block 2 Header line 1
    Block 2 Header line 2
    Data line 1
    Data line 2
    Data line 3

    The example shows a file with two blocks.

    SWDES Non-Equidistant

    The layout of the non-equidistant files can also include remark lines and data lines together.
    Layout of Bock Header
    The Block Header must contain two lines with the following information:
    Line 1:
  • time interval unit (must be 0),
  • time interval divider (must be 0),
  • basic time unit interval (must be 0),
  • replicator (must be 0),
  • number of series,
  • number of data values,
    Line 2 - number of series:
  • station ID,
  • parameter ID
    Layout of data lines
    The data lines consist of the date, time and values separated by a comma.

    Data file


    !SWDES Non-equidistant data.
    !3 series, 20 values
    !location code, parameter code
    !Date, time, value 1 series, value 2 series, value 3 series
    1984-01-03, 2:0,
    1984-01-05, 0:0,
    1984-01-17, 0:0,
    1984-02-17, 0:0,
    1984-02-29, 0:0,
    1984-03-12, 0:0,
    1984-03-27, 0:0,
    1984-04-12, 0:0,
    1984-05-01, 0:0,
    1984-05-16, 0:0,

    Comment line
    Comment line
    Comment line
    Comment line
    Header line 1
    Header line 2
    Header line 3
    Header line 4
    Data line 1
    Data line 2
    Data line 3
    Data line 4
    Data line 5
    Data line 6
    Data line 7
    Data line 8
    Data line 9
    Data line 10

    Free ASCII Equidistant

    The free ASCII equidistant file format is a format which is not very strictly defined. The file does not need a header and the user has some options to define how the data is organised in the file. The format will be explain by an example. When this import option is selected, the following screen will appear after a file is chosen.
    01 - Entry and Edit^image012.gif!
    The first lines of the file are presented together with two textboxes where the user can give the number of rows and number of columns to skip when the file is read. In this example there are six header files, the number of lines to skip will therefore be 6. The data values start at column 4, the first two columns will be skipped when reading the file, the number of columns to skip will therefore be 3. When the values are entered, press <OK>.
    01 - Entry and Edit^image013.gif!
    In the next form the characteristics of the imported series can be set, by selecting the station ID, parameter ID, Start Date, divider and missing value of the series.
    Press <OK> when the selection is made.

    Importing HIS-files

    When you choose the option to import HIS-files, you have tot select a Delwaqor Sobek His-file from the WindowsFile open window.
    Delwaq HISfiles are binary files with the following format:
  • Bytes 1 to 60: Header, divided into 4 sections of 40 characters. The first 3 may contain any printable text you like, the fourth section (bytes 121 to 160) should contain a string which makes it possible to convert the Delwaqtime in integer units to a real-world date and time. The format for this string is:
    "TO: YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS (scu=nnnnnnnns)"
    The YYYY on position 5 to 8 should contain the year, 10 and 11 the month, 13 and 14 the day, 16 and 17 the hour, 18 and 19 the minutes, 20 and 21 the seconds of the date/time that is equivalent to t = 0 in Delwaqunits. Positions 31 to 38 should contain the number of units in 1 Delwaq 'scu (system clock unit) and on position 39 there should be an 's' if this is expressed in seconds, an 'h' if in hours, a 'd' if in days.
  • Bytes 161 - 164: long integer, the number of parameters in the file (npar)
  • Bytes 165 - 168: long integer, the number of segments in the file (nseg)
  • Bytes 169 to 168 + npar*20: npar strings of length 20 bytes, the names of the parameters
  • Bytes 169 + npar*20 to 168 + npar*20 + nseg*24: nseg times a long integer, the number of the segment and a string of 20 bytes, the name of the segment
  • Bytes 169 + npar*20 + nseg*24 onwards: repeating block of 1 long integer, giving the time in Delwaq scu's and an array containing the values. The array measures npar*nseg singles (4 byte floating point number in IEEE format). This block is repeated as many times as there are time steps in the file.

    Importing TMX files

    Press button <TMX files>. Choose the right folder, and you can select the file you want to import in the list box.
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    TMX files are files in a special binary format. Because the format of TMX data is not unique, but different for many versions of TMX, there will not be a description of the format. For more information about importing TMX data, contact WL | Delft Hydraulics.
    These is a new import function available for TMX-Windows databases. A document (in Dutch) explaining this import function is available at W: | Delft Hydraulics.

    Exporting Sobek files

    <ac:structured-macro ac:name="anchor" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="2a30a6c1-70f1-4b65-a1c7-57a31cdb7c2d"><ac:parameter ac:name="">IDH_exporting_sobek_files</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro>
    SOBEK is a hydrodynamic model developed at Delft Hydraulics. HYMOS can export time series in a specific format, which can be directly used by the SOBEK model.
    When time series are exported, the number of decimals will by default be set to 2 digits. When you want to save the time series with more digits, change the format of the SOBEK output in the ODS SERVER.ini file. This file is located in the "\Hymos 4\system\Ods Server" directory. An example is shown below.
    NumberFormat=" 0.000"

    Exporting through ISAM drivers

    There are many export options for exporting data to database formats. The only restriction for exporting to these database formats is the presence of appropriate ISAM drivers. Many of those drivers are installed on your computer while installing the HYMOS software.

Select from the 'File Type list box' the format you want the series data to be saved to and press <OK>. Next you have to enter a name of the file and directory where you want the data to be saved. The last step to perform for the export function is selecting a layout.

Because the ODS block can be seen as a three dimension array, Locations, Parameters and Time, you have to define how you want to save the data. If you want, for example, to export data to Microsoft Excel in a workbook with one sheet per parameter make your selection as shown in the above figure. Drag the locations icon to the top row and the time icon to the left most column. The parameters will now be set per sheet.
When you select the time to be the third dimension make sure the time series you want to export is not too long. When exporting to EXCEL, 1 worksheet will be 1 time step.

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