
See the next information on Harmonie:

There are two possible grid sizes:

  1. a grid of 300x300 (focus on Netherlands, see picture)
  2. a grid of 389x389 (whole Europe)

Grid configuration

It is not preferred to define the grid in the regionConfigFile\Grids.xml as the grid definition will read from the datafiles directly.
However, just for your reference:

<regular locationId="KNMI-HARMONIE">
    <geoDatum>WGS 1984</geoDatum>


    <timeSeriesType>external forecasting</timeSeriesType>
    <timeStep unit="hour"/>
    <readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>

For some older versions of FEWS it maybe required to define the importType as "grib1" instead of "grib".


<idMap version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <parameter internal="Temperature" external="11" externalQualifier="2.0"/>
  <parameter internal="Wind.u" external="33" externalQualifier="10.0"/>
  <parameter internal="Wind.v" external="34" externalQualifier="10.0"/>
  <parameter internal="Precip.m" external="61"/>
  <parameter internal="Pressure.msl" external="1" externalEnsembleMemberIndex="0"/>

The grib codes (external parameters) are listed at

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