Exercise outline

We want to create a station class (data structure) that can hold the data of one station. Then we make a list containing all the stations in the NetCdf file and fill it with the data of the NetCdf file.

Create list of stations

Add the following import statement to the region Import libs:

# DeltaShell libs
from SharpMap.CoordinateSystems.Transformations import GeometryTransform

The GeometryTransform class is needed to transform coordinates from one coordinatesystem to another coordinatesystem.

And add this code to the end of the script :

#region Create station list

class Station:
	# Station definition (name, geometry and componentInformation (amplitudes and phases))
	def __init__(self, name, point, amplitudeArray, phaseArray):
		self.name = name.strip()
		self.geometry = point
		self.amplitudeArray = amplitudeArray
		self.phaseArray = phaseArray

# Check for coordinate system
stationCoordinateSystem = file.GetAttributeValue(file.GetVariableByName("crs"),"coord_ref_sys_name")

print "Station information is in " + stationCoordinateSystem
print "Model information is in " + fmModel.CoordinateSystem.Name

# Create transformation if needed
if (stationCoordinateSystem != fmModel.CoordinateSystem.Name):
	wgs84 = Map.CoordinateSystemFactory.CreateFromEPSG(4326) # coordinateSystem of stations (wgs 84)
	transformation = Map.CoordinateSystemFactory.CreateTransformation(wgs84, fmModel.CoordinateSystem).MathTransform
	transformation = None

stationList = []
for i in range(nrOfStations):
	phaseComponents = GetComponentData(phaseData, i, nrOfComponents)
	amplitudeComponents = GetComponentData(amplitudeData, i, nrOfComponents)

	geometry = Point(lonData[i],latData[i])

	if (transformation != None):
		geometry = GeometryTransform.TransformPoint(geometry, transformation)

	# create station
	station = Station(stationNames[i], geometry, amplitudeComponents, phaseComponents)

print "Number of stations found : " + str(len(stationList))


The following code declares a station class (definition of a station object). It states that a station consists of the following properties : name, geometry, amplitudeArray and phaseArray

class Station:
	# Station definition (name, geometry and componentInformation (amplitudes and phases))
	def __init__(self, name, point, amplitudeArray, phaseArray):
		self.name = name.strip()
		self.geometry = point
		self.amplitudeArray = amplitudeArray
		self.phaseArray = phaseArray

The function _init_ is called when you create an object of type station (constructor). In this case you can only create a station when you specify all the properties.

After declaring the Station class we continue by comparing the coordinatesystem of the NetCdf file and fmModel :

# Check for coordinate system
stationCoordinateSystem = file.GetAttributeValue(file.GetVariableByName("crs"),"coord_ref_sys_name")

print "Station information is in " + stationCoordinateSystem
print "Model information is in " + fmModel.CoordinateSystem.Name

If the coordinatesystem differs (when using harlingen model for instance (Rd new)) we create transformation between the two coordinatesystem :

# Create transformation if needed
if (stationCoordinateSystem != fmModel.CoordinateSystem.Name):
	wgs84 = Map.CoordinateSystemFactory.CreateFromEPSG(4326) # coordinateSystem of stations (wgs 84)
	transformation = Map.CoordinateSystemFactory.CreateTransformation(wgs84, fmModel.CoordinateSystem).MathTransform
	transformation = None

Now we can create stations and add them to the "stationList" with the following code :

stationList = []
for i in range(nrOfStations):
	phaseComponents = GetComponentData(phaseData, i, nrOfComponents)
	amplitudeComponents = GetComponentData(amplitudeData, i, nrOfComponents)

	geometry = Point(lonData[i],latData[i])

	if (transformation != None):
		geometry = GeometryTransform.TransformPoint(geometry, transformation)

	# create station
	station = Station(stationNames[i], geometry, amplitudeComponents, phaseComponents)

print "Number of stations found : " + str(len(stationList))

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