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PDF File Kruijt_2020_FAME Fieldwork report.pdf 6.56 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 10-10-2023 18:46
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PDF File Sommeijer_2013_Identifying suitable measures to enlarge fresh groundwater reserves on a regional scale. A feasibility study in Walcheren.pdf 5.74 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:51
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PDF File Verduijn_2020_Exploration of the Effects of Aquifer Storage and Recovery solutions on the Water Quality and Quantity in a sandy ridge sy.pdf 5.27 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 10-10-2023 18:55
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PDF File Regenwaterlenzen binnen de Provincie Zeeland.pdf 5.20 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 12-01-2013 08:26
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PDF File 2007-U-R0743A definitieve versie rapport Provincie Zeeland v5 dubbel.pdf 5.18 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 12-01-2013 08:38
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JPEG File IMG_5678.JPG 4.86 MB Sam Maijvis 01-03-2023 10:43
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PDF File Schoonderwoerd_2019_Modelling density-dependent flow with the use of MODFLOW 6, The effect of spatial and temporal discretization.pdf 4.82 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 10-10-2023 18:41
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PDF File Snel_2014_Fresh water supply from subsurface water storage - An investigation into the contribution of fresh groundwater to agriculture.pdf 4.64 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:53
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PDF File Schnitzer_2010_Response of a fresh-brackish groundwater system to hydrological management in and around the Naardermeer wetland , the Ne.pdf 4.27 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:34
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PDF File Lugten_2013_The effects of salt water intrusion from the Dintel River, into the surrounding surface and groundwater system.pdf 4.27 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:49
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PDF File Msc_Thesis_2018_Colin_Manz_Final_version.pdf 4.18 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 01-03-2019 13:11
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PDF File Eindversie Stageverslag Stijn Eggenkamp Verzilting in Zeeland Inzichten Interpolatie en Correlatie van Aquality App EC metingen .pdf 3.89 MB Ilja America - van den Heuvel 08-10-2024 11:29
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PDF File Rosado De Palacio_2014_Water system analysis and numerical modelling of a coastal aquifer in western Mexico a case study.pdf 3.86 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:52
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PDF File Hu-A-Ng_2012_Understanding Holocene coastal development and the resulting evolution of groundwater chloride distribution in the North -.pdf 3.47 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:37
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JPEG File IMGP0279.JPG 3.04 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 12-01-2013 08:34
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PDF File SWIBANGLA_dataset_data_processing_and_model_input_Internship_report_Marjolein_Vogels.pdf 2.76 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 07-12-2015 23:45
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PDF File 2007-jofh-giambastiani-etal.pdf 2.48 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 12-01-2013 08:36
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PDF File Badi_2016_Securing freshwater supply with measures to diminish the effect of sea-level rise by climate change Literature review on state.pdf 2.38 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:53
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JPEG File IMGP0308.JPG 2.36 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 12-01-2013 08:34
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PDF File Winters_2013_Estimating flow patterns to an agricultural ditch by inverse modeling of temperature and salinity measurements.pdf 1.98 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:50
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