IDMeasure NL

Construction costs min (€)

Construction costs max (€)

Construction costs mean (€)

€ perAssumption Height (m)Assumption density/width (m>m2)Cost (€m-2)Substantiation / explanationCosts for new construction or additional cost€ perKosten euro m-2Onderhoudskosten (perc. van kosten aanleg)Substantiation/explanation

New construction

3Street trees and tree-lined avenues

5011.4Inflation adjustment (+5%), Adjusted: Including excavation work and paving reductionnewstuk1729.82Construction costs based on previous estimate plus 5% inflation adjustment, maintenance costs based on average management costs per tree in municipal public green spaces (figures Benchmark Municipal Green 2018)
4Urban wetlands


60Closed soil balance, digging, depth, maintenance of nature reserve, edge of the municipality would not make it more expensive than infiltration field (60)newm235
6Bioswales with drainage


75Evaluation Ruwenbos showed that in 2007 the costs are just under 70 €/m2 area, with a little inflation correction you end up with 75 €, but there is a large spread in costs, TAUW guidelines suggest lower numbernewm20.751Normal maintenance should be possible for 0.50 €/m2 (as rough grass/lawn, figures Benchmark Municipal Green 2018) but in some years additional work is needed to keep the turf open
7Fountains, waterfalls and water walls50030001750stuk

1750Only fountains are included, water walls are included in water-retaining construction of the house. 500 - 3000 per piece after price request from different suppliersnewstuk45025.71Maintenance is intensive with fountains, every year in the winter period they have to be descaled, checked, cleaned and disconnected. Exact figures are not publicly available. It is estimated that a small fountain requires 2 days of maintenance per year and the larger one 4 days per year. This is averaged out.
10Deep groundwater infiltration132013201320m161.27224.09Based on infiltration pipes with geotextiles from Wavin and drilling prices per linear metre from TAUW., 7.5 metres depth coastal areas, 500mm diameter. Depth infiltration is mainly used in areas with a (very) well-drained soil. That is why deep infiltration is often used in coastal areas. Especially in areas with little possibility of storage. (Stowa 2016, underground storage and reclamation of water in urban areas). The costs are based on the costs of an SSK estimate by TAUW and the costs for a Wavin pipe (500mm IT drain). This includes earthwork (8,-/m1), construction (3,-/m1) and material (165,-/m1)newm167.830.26Cleaning is the same as with a sewer pipe, so the same costs are maintained. However, this is extrapolated with a pipe length of 7.5 meters (assumption calculation), because in the sewer system in linear meters are calculated that fall below the square meter. The factor is also taken into account to convert the surface area of the 500mm tube to square meters.
1150Report of the Rioned/TAUW Foundation: Wadis: recommendations fornewm11.10.74Maintenance is based on guideline D1100 (03-2015). This includes that: the swales are inspected for quality once every 15 years (9.50), mowing, dirt is removed, scarified and aerated (0.25,-. The top layer is also replaced and/or improved once every 3 years (0.22,-). Prices are in m2 per year

design, construction and management, Stichting RioNed, 2006, 30-50cm deep, slope, 1:3
14Green façades2007503000verticale m26
600Sober design, only shade, 6m high (no ivy, which is cheapernewverticale m26010Information from outdated student research on construction (Middelie 2009), supplemented with sites and,onderhoudspercentage maintained at 10%, is on the low rather than the high side
16Green roofs100150120m2

120Without (controlled) water storage, extensive approx. 10cm, but no sedumcompared to bitumen that needs to be replaced anywaym265Costs based on estimates by Milieucentraal and Dakdokters, Assuming roof between 50 and 250 m2 and a bit at the top of the price range construction, maintenance percentage maintained
19Storage through the realisation of extra water surface200250225m2

225Based on excavation based on nature-friendly bank, widening or choosing new, reclamation 1.3m, depth of 1 meter. A total of 2.3m3 per 1m1 will be disposed of. The width of the ditch is maintained at 1 meter. The National Environmental Database assumes that per cubic meter of excavation, a machine is working for 0.015 hours. The costs including driver are 85,- (Klaaskooier). A 20-tonne truck is used for removal, which costs 83 per hour. Per m3 of soil, 0.07 hours is used. The revetment ( costs 120 per linear metre per bank (2 banks are maintained) for a depth of 2.30).newm20.10.04Dredging maintenance costs 0.20 per linear metre ( Dredging must be mowed about once every 5 years + 1x per year
20Drainage-Infiltration-Transport (DIT)-Sewer175175175m1

175Based on infiltration pipes from Wavin and drilling prices per linear metre from TAUW., IT pipe of 500mm in diameter. The costs are based on the costs of an SSK estimate by TAUW and the costs for a Wavin pipe (500mm IT drain). This includes earthwork (8,-/m1), construction (3,-/m1) and material (165,-/m1).compared to seweragem17.14.06Cleaning is the same as with a sewer pipe, so the same costs are maintained.
22Infiltration fields and infiltration strips with above-ground storage


60Based on 0.5m excavation, healthy soil top layer, humus, grass vegetation cost: 80% of swalenewm20.50.83Simple management as rough grass or nature reserve, then 5,000 €/ha/yr is a generous amount,
25Urban forests


1Urban forests (extensive)newm20.055
26Water-permeable pavement50150100m2

100Based on concrete clinkers, geotextiles, drainage sand and excavation. From information from TAUW under construction in Beverwijk, Scheveningen and Bergen.compared to standard roadm20.420.42Costs are higher than regular paving, but it is unknown how much higher. There is still too little information available for this. It is now assumed that sweeping should be done every month. The costs for this are 3.50 per 100m2 at a time.
29Water butt200500350m31.2
291.7Based on figures from, no extra material, no labor, private individualsnewm300No maintenance costs, as this is done by private individuals themselves. This mainly concerns the removal of coarser waste and leaves.
32Storage through the realisation of extra mountain height


0Allowing a larger rise in water levels, no costs, this is a choice that must be made by the water board and/or municipality. The weirs and/or pumping stations must be set differently, but it is assumed that this will not entail any additional
00No extra maintenance costs, because we assume that this is a policy or starting point change of the management party.
33Infiltration crates350600475m30.5
950Based on the cheapest and most expensive Wavin salvage crate including graves. 0.5 m highnewm35.30.56Based on TAUW's experience figures drawn up by Mr. Ing. R. Wentink, the frequency comes from the D1100 guideline (03-2015). Inspections are carried out once every 2 years and cleaned twice a year. Cleaning costs: 2.80 euros and inspections 2.50 per m2 converted per year.
40Water roofs/blue roofs200240233.95m2

234Construction of a water roof consists of: cellular glass insulation (192 per m2,, bituminous polyester mat (18,-, and an EPDM layer (10.50,-, EPDM total). Construction costs cannot be ascertainedcompared to regular roofingm200No maintenance is included. Is a low-maintenance construction, where only blockages need to be solved.
41Water squares30030001650m30.4
4125Based on the water squares of Betondorp and RotterdamCompared to Ordinary Squarem31.80.04Inspections, measurements, sweeping and cleaning. Based on experience figures TAUW and in accordance with D1100 03-2015
42Green roofs with drainage delay5015080m2

8050mm drainage layer, pinched drain, no extra info found, maybe 25% storage? But is it a sedum roof (40+25% = 50€))compared to regular roofingm24.86Deductive, no numbers found (WENR)
45Hollow and sloping roads25.534.530m2

30Construction of ordinary road, in residential area, clinker pavement (concrete). Based on figures from TAUW in the municipality of Almere from 2015 onwards. Including the removal of possibly. old pavement/compared to standard roadm22.257.5In accordance with D1100 03-2015 - gully cleaning
46Underground storage cellar140750445m322222.5Ranging from a storage room on stilts to a concrete container (BBB). Numbers based on three BBB in the municipality of Bergen, Egmond aan Zee. Eymaplein, Jan Dirk Z'n Dal and Pompplein. The average height was about 2 meters. These are the total costs: materials, logistics and construction. Subdivided costs are not visible.newm37.13.19No exact substantiation for a BBB, figures are lacking. Number is based on carrying out inspection (2.80,-) and cleaning (4.30,-) very large sewer pipe (900mm+). The work will be largely the same. These figures are based on research and experience of TAUW, drawn up by Mr. R. Wentink.
57Smart irrigation policy


0Need more infonew

62Cool materials (high albedo)121513.5m2

13.5Paint to gravel cladding, flat roof based on effectiveness. The material costs come from various online providers. Is between 3,- and 6,-. It is assumed that 0.2 working hours per m2 are required for both materials.newm22.2516.67From the VE (Vereniging Eigenhuis) it is assumed that the roof is inspected 2 times a year (assumed 0.05 working hours per time per m2) 
71Storage pond9011040m20.4
100Based on excavation based on a depth of 0.4 meters. 0.44m3 per m2 is disposed of. The National Environmental Database assumes that per cubic meter of excavation, a machine is working for 0.015 hours. The costs including driver are 85,- (Klaaskooier). A 20-tonne truck is used for removal, which costs 83 per hour. Per m3 of soil, 0.07 hours is used. The revetment ( costs 120 per linear metre per bank (2 banks are maintained) for a depth of 2.30). Costs small 0.50 per kg = 800 per m3 (based on civil engineering work carried out) and is applied with a thickness of 0.10m. Assumed per 100m2 an overflow pit of 900,- (price list Wavin, 800mm overflow)newm20.20.2No exact figures available. Assumption that salvage filer is dredged once a year to maintain the salvage capacity
80Creating shade31.25301.25166.25m2

166.25The material of the fabrics and parasols is between 10 (cheap fabric, not permeable) to 280 (a good parasol (not permeable). Costs are based on cost figures at different consumer webshops. Because they offer the most materials. For the fasteners per square metre, 10 is calculated,- . Labour costs vary greatly: parasol = 0 hours, where a sun cover can be as much as 0.5 hours per square metre (estimate). As a result, 0.25 hours per square metre was used.newm295.41Cloths should only be washed with water or possibly mild soap, but never chemicals or the like. Maintenance frequency is highly dependent on the location (city, countryside, lots of greenery, a lot of pollution, etc.) information coming from Assumption that the cloths are cleaned once a year before they are hung. Assuming that 0.2 hours per square metre is needed for cleaning, no exact figures are available.

590Width of dike is based on the maximum width of a tertiary dike in the Waternet management area: 3 metres. This follows from the Keur of the Amstel, Gooi and Vecht water board. The Hydraulic Engineering Knowledge Base is used for the costs, which have created a model to provide insight into the costs. The following dimensions have been used for the costs of the dike: width = 1-3 meters, slope of the slope is 1:3, everything has been converted to m2. The costs for a purchase in m2: 25,-, the costs for elevation: 20,-, the costs of cladding: 350 and the verge costs 50,-.newm23.830.65The maintenance costs arise from the maintenance costs for a primary flood defence, because these are not public for a tertiary flood defence. Triple Bridge conducted a study for this purpose on behalf of the HWBP. As a result, a km of maintenance costs an average of 11,500. This means that a linear metre costs 11.5 per year. Because the dimensions are not known, 11.5 divided by 3 meters width is used (assumption calculation).
82Gravel Cases 185185185m1
1185Costs accrued by key figures from completed projects. Costs based on SSK estimates made by TAUW. Included: digging (65,-), material (gravel and geotextile) (32,--, soil team 2 men (9,-), shovel (74,-), concrete pavers (8,-) & possibly drainage or vegetation, 1m wide, 50cm deep.newm142.16The maintenance costs are based on experience figures from TAUW in the municipality of Almere. This includes inspections, measurements, removal of bulky waste, weed control and hosing down
83Quays (low dikes)320700510m1

510Is included as a line element. It is assumed that the average height is 2 meters. A wooden quay wall costs about 320 meters ( for 2 meters and a concrete quay wall costs about 700 ( for 2 meters. Construction costs are lacking due to the great influence of the location.newm1142.75Based on the management and maintenance plan of the municipality of Bedum, it is determined that a wooden foundation has a lifespan of approximately 30 years and concrete 100 years. The maintenance costs are expressed in maintenance of the wood and the replacement of both materials. This amount is between 8 and 20 euros per year.
84Drought-resistant plants and trees55027.5m2

27.5With new plants, no extra costs, the same price as adding trees to the streetcompared to common speciesm200No additional maintenance costs
87Quay wall1510057.5m2

57.5Based on a plastic to a steel sheet pile, per m, height 2mNewm21.252.17Inspecting and hosing down deposits.
88Building as a flood defence5010075m2

75Water-retaining concrete, 2 mwrwe highNewm2
89Temporary barrier50250150m1
1150Based on the tubebarrier and sandbags, up to 0.75mNewm1
90Water-absorbing/storage pavement100250175m2

175Water-storing foundation with gullies for drainage. Kostne based on applied projects in Beverwijk and Eindhoven. In which the rainwater is directed to the package by means of gullies.m21.490.85Inspection, cleaning of gullies, cleaning of drainage and hosing down
91Softening : Paving out, greenery in55027.5m2

27.5Based on grass to plants, private individuals, garden soil mixing, draining tiles, gardener, 20m2newm213.64Regular green maintenance costs, depending on which greenery, if not specified 1 €Euro/m2
92Lowering of terrace5010075m2

7520m2, 1000-1500 euros closed ground balance. Private individuals, gardener (maintain: this also includes removing the terrace, additional workNew
11.33No extra costs
93Lowering part of the garden5010025m2

25Lower costs from quotes from gardener, 12.50-17.50 per m2 for digging a pond, because it is also finished green (with grass I suggest to use 25 euros/m2New
14No extra costs, based on grass maintenance
94City Parks2010040m2

40No events, park around the corner assumes 125 €/m2 including benches and paths etc. (, which is why we are going to sit cheaper. For 40€/m2 the trees, ornamental shrubs, flower meadow and lawn can be laid out well, with simple execution even cheaper, but usually you want to give the ark a good start with larger treesNew
1.12.75Based on 20 individually managed trees, 40% lawn, 30% ornamental shrub and 30% flower meadow per hectare, based on Benchmark municipal greenery

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