
  File Modified
File Data_standards_course_intro4BwN.pps Tutorial: general OpenEarth introduction (updated version) 11-09-2009 by Pieter van Geer
File Data standards course_Transform4BwN.pps Tutorial: transforming raw data to NetCDF 11-09-2009 by Pieter van Geer
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Data standards course_Extract4micore.pps Tutorial: uploading raw data to subversion repository 11-09-2009 by Pieter van Geer
File Data standards course_Load_Provide4BwN.pps Tutorial: exploiting netCDF through OPeNDAP 11-09-2009 by Pieter van Geer
File Data standards course_Extract4BwN.pps 2009 Tutorial: uploading raw data to subversion repository 11-09-2009 by Pieter van Geer
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Data standards course_Using database4micore.pps Tutorial: using the database 11-09-2009 by Pieter van Geer
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Data standards course_Load_Provide4micore.pps Tutorial: loading and providing coverage and feature data 11-09-2009 by Pieter van Geer
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Data standards course_Transform4micore.pps Tutorial: transforming raw data to NetCDF 11-09-2009 by Pieter van Geer
PDF File Getting started with the subversion repository.pdf Tutorial: getting started with subversion repository 21-09-2009 by Loana Arentz