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The chartLayer functionality can be used to define inlay graphs for display on the Map display. 

Configuration that is needed to start:

  • ChartLayer.xml in DisplayConfigFiles. Here you can define standard formats for graph layout (axes etc) and define the individual graphs. A filterid needs to be defined here to link the chart to the Filters. E.g.:
<chart id="SintPieter (Main)" formatId="chartFormat1" width="300" height="250">
<timeSeries preferredColor="orange" lineStyle="solid" axis="left">Debiet_ensemble</timeSeries>
<timeSeries preferredColor="cornflower blue" lineStyle="solid" axis="left">Debiet_update</timeSeries>
<timeSeries preferredColor="cornflower blue" lineStyle="solid" axis="left">Debiet_forecast</timeSeries>
<timeSeries preferredColor="red" lineStyle="solid" axis="left">Debiet</timeSeries>
<inputVariable variableId="Debiet" variableType="any">



  • A definition of the chart layer in Explorer.xml, e.g.:
<layer id="Charts">
<string key="displayInstanceId" value="chartLayer"/>

  • link of the chart to the Map display via a filterid that is defined in Filter.xml, e.g.:
<filter id="Chart_Lobith_SintPieter" name="Overview Lobith and Sint Pieter">
<mapExtentId>Rhine-Meuse Basin</mapExtentId>


  • auto scale the size of the charts and the pixel off sets. Since 2022.01, e.g.:
<originalMapSize width="1000" height="700>

When the map is resized the chart layer is updated.

  • No labels