With the TimeSeriesButtonsPanels you can make a different selection panel for selecting time series through buttons. This panel can be used as alternative for the DisplayGroup Thumbnails, which are always a thumbnail of the graph only. For users who do not use a graph, the button panel is much more useful.
Button panels have a strong relation to the topology (and subsequent displaygroups) and can not be used without those. In general the button panel filters or selects one or more time series that are defined in the displaygroup.
Below the schema of the time series buttons panel is shown.
Functionalities of a button panel
Based on the screenshot picture we will explain the functionalities.
You can define one or more panels.
In the topology you can link a button panel to your node(s) by using the element <timeSeriesButtonsPanelId>my_buttonpanel_id</timeSeriesButtonsPanelId>. The topology already has the connection to the displaygroup.
A panel has the next general options:
- resolveInWorkflow: search for timeseries in the currently selected workflow. In an IFD environment the selected topology node will provide the selected workflow
- resolveInPlots: search for timeseries in the plots of the currently selected topology node
Per panel you can define then as many buttons as you want. The definition is fully flexible. You can define a button that points to a complete individual time series, but you can also define a button that uses (or maybe better: filters) a list of locations.
Therefore the buttons use a so-called groupId. When a button is pressed all other buttons within the same group are unpressed. With ctrl click it is still possible to click multiple buttons within a group. For example, you can have a parameters and locations group. At least one button of every group is always pressed. When selecting multiple buttons within one group the selection becomes wider.
A button should be placed in a row/column matrix (left upper is 1,1). You do not need buttons in all cells of the matrix, although you can also define empty buttons, without any functionality, just for a better look and consistency with other panels.
A button can filter one or more keys to a time series, like:
- moduleInstanceId or moduleInstanceSetId
- valueType
- paremeter
- qualifier
- locationId or locationSetId
- timeSeriesType
- timeStep
- aggregationPeriod
- ensembleId
Space is automatically added between buttons from different groups. The buttons are sized automatically to the button with the largest width.
Config example
<panel id="buttons"> <resolveInWorkflow>false</resolveInWorkflow> <resolveInPlots>true</resolveInPlots> <button groupId="model" name="RTC" row="1" column="1"> <toolTip>RTC Model</toolTip> <moduleInstanceId>RTCTools_USN_Optimization_Prep</moduleInstanceId> <moduleInstanceId>RTCTools_USN_Optimization</moduleInstanceId> <moduleInstanceId>RTCTools_USN_Optimization_Post</moduleInstanceId> <moduleInstanceId>User_Input</moduleInstanceId> </button> <button groupId="model" name="RW" row="1" column="2"> <toolTip>RW Model</toolTip> <moduleInstanceId>RTCTools_USN_Optimization_Prep</moduleInstanceId> <moduleInstanceId>RTCTools_USN_Optimization</moduleInstanceId> <moduleInstanceId>RTCTools_USN_Optimization_Post</moduleInstanceId> <moduleInstanceId>User_Input</moduleInstanceId> </button> <button groupId="location" name=" MCDB " row="3" column="1"> <toolTip>MCDB</toolTip> <locationId>MCDB</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="REVB" row="4" column="1"> <toolTip>REVB</toolTip> <locationId>REVB</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="ARDB" row="5" column="1"> <toolTip>ARDB</toolTip> <locationId>ARDB</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="DCDB" row="6" column="1"> <toolTip>DCDB</toolTip> <locationId>DCDB</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="LIB" row="7" column="1"> <toolTip>LIB</toolTip> <locationId>LIB</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="KOT" row="8" column="1"> <toolTip>KOT</toolTip> <locationId>KOT</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="HGH" row="9" column="1"> <toolTip>HGH</toolTip> <locationId>HGH</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="CFMM" row="10" column="1"> <toolTip>CFMM</toolTip> <locationId>CFMM</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="KER" row="11" column="1"> <toolTip>KER</toolTip> <locationId>KER</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="ALF" row="12" column="1"> <toolTip>ALF</toolTip> <locationId>ALF</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="POS" row="13" column="1"> <toolTip>POS</toolTip> <locationId>POS</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="LLK" row="14" column="1"> <toolTip>LLK</toolTip> <locationId>LLK</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="DWR" row="15" column="1"> <toolTip>DWR</toolTip> <locationId>DWR</locationId> </button> <button groupId="location" name="BRN" row="16" column="1"> <toolTip>BRN</toolTip> <locationId>BRN</locationId> </button> <button groupId="parameter" name="FB" row="3" column="2"> <toolTip>Forebay</toolTip> <parameterId>FB_Sim</parameterId> </button> <button groupId="parameter" name="QO" row="4" column="2"> <toolTip>Outflow</toolTip> <parameterId>QO_Sim</parameterId> </button> </panel>