The following panels support the spell checker

  • Annotation panel
  • Data search panel
  • Manual forecast dialog
  • Product info panel
  • Time series dialog comment editor

By default the following languages are supported

  • Dutch (Netherlands)
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • French (France)
  • English (US)
  • English (UK)
  • English (Australia)

Other languages can be downloaded from

A language zip should be named; i.e.,,,,,  The zip file should contain language_country.dic and language_country.aff file and an optional license/readme file. The language and country should be the same as specified in the for the keys LANGUAGE and COUNTRY. The file will have to contain the following lines when language is English and country is Australia:


Additional language zip files should be located in $REGION_HOME/Modules/spelling. The language files an be downloaded from the site:

With the autoExportModuleDataSet in the clientConfig.xml the language zip files can be downloaded to an OC and automatically exported to the correct Modules folder.

Additional words 

Extra words (jargon) can be added to $REGION_HOME$/Modules/spelling/dictionary_extension.txt. This is an ASCII file with additional words that will automatically be used in the dictionary.  The ASCII file is simple file with a list of words in lowercase.

UTF-8 encoding is required for dictionary_extension.txt.  With the autoExportModuleDataSet in the clientConfig.xml the dictionary_extension.txt be downloaded to an OC.

The words in this list are not underlined red but will not popup in the suggestions

Ignored words

When a user ignores a word it will be added to the userSettings.ini. After this it will no longer be underlined red for the current user. To ignore these works for all users,  the words can regularly be copied from the userSettings.ini (spelling/ignoreList) to the dictionary_extension.txt manually. The dictionary_extension.txt file can then be uploaded to the config in the central database using the Config Manager or Admin Interface. 


The menu key can be used to popup the suggestions.

  • No labels