What is "Hoofdwatersysteem"? 

Hoofdwatersysteem (main water system) is treated just line another region (DPZW gebied). There are branches and nodes and districts that belong to that region. The network water demand for any region can come from water demand on branches and water demand on nodes. For the main water system there is no water demand at the nodes, there can only be water demand on the branches. The following branches belong to the main water system:

  • IJsselmeer_Uitlaat
  • Markermeer_Doorvoer_IJsselmeer
  • NZK_Oranjesluizen_MM
  • IJsselmeer

And the following districts belong to the main system:

  • Noordoostpolder, lage afdeling
  • Waddeneilanden (polders)
  • IJssel-zuid
  • IJssel-noord

How to set the level of the lakes? 

The way the settings of the level of the lakes can be set is explained in this file. You can change the values in the green fields, that are the same present in the FEWS modifiers.

Note that in previous versions Lake Marker had a different treatment of the water levels, it did not have a possiblity to have different behaviour during autumn.

The above file is valid from version svn357.

How can I make QWAST run faster?

You can make QWAST run faster by saving the RTC-Tools cache files in the FEWS config. These are: ...\Modules\QWAST_RTC22_RijnVast\model\AllocateWater.pymoca_cache and ...\Modules\QWAST_RTC22_RijnVast\src\__pycache__\. By copying these to the ModuleDataSet files, they are not generated at each run and thus it will be faster (...\Config\ModuleDataSetFiles\QWAST_RTC22_RijnVast.zip\QWAST_RTC22_RijnVast\). Important: it only works if the cache files are generated by the very same computer that the calculations are done. Thus if you have a FEWS system with moreFSS, then each FSS should have their own cache files.

Why is the QWAST run failing when I only want to calculate one year?

QWAST starts the year at 01.11. and ends it in the following year 01.11. It means that to calculate 1911 you need data from 1911.01.11. until (including) 1912.01.11. This data is often in the zip belonging to the next year.

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