Versions Compared


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This page contains an overview of Delft-FEWS modules and displays flagged as end of life functionality. Most of these modules and displays are developed in the early stages of Delft-FEWS developments and replaced by new modules and Displays with similar functionality. Some modules are flagged as end of life because these are not used anymore by any customer; these will therefore not be replaced with a new module or display. The list of modules and displays that are end of life are listed below together with the process on how these modules and displays can be converted to the new modules. The selected end of life modules and displays will be removed from Delft-FEWS release releases starting the 2021.01 , 2021.02 and 2023.01. release. In the 2021.01 Delft-FEWS release there is functionality added that can be used to check if your Delft-FEWS application uses end of life functionality.

For functionality that will be replaced by new functionality that requires configuration changes, a migration plan will be published. The procedure will be the following:

  1. Develop new functionality
  2. Migrate internally managed configurations
  3. Create migration plan
  4. Publish migration plan and EOL date
  5. Removal of old what-if scenario code

FEWS Explorer Plugins that will be removed

The following FEWS Explorer plugins are flagged end of life. These plugins are or will be removed form the main Delft-FEWS code. The table below lists the plugins together with the FEWS release when the plugin will be removed. 

Log message is confusing as it says "explorerTask Map Display is obsolete and not supported anymore in Fews version 2023.01". What-If Display
ModuleFEWS ClassFEWS VersionNoteWIKI
Old Archive displaynl.wldelft.fews.gui.plugin.taskRunDialog.TaskRunDialogFewsExplorerPlugin2017.02This is a general display plugin in combination with archiveTask elementArchive Display
KFlows Displaynl.wldelft.fews.gui.plugin.objectiveanalyzer.ObjectiveAnalyzerDisplay2021.01Replaced by new KFlows display plugin31. KFlows Display - EOL
PRTF displaynl.wldelft.fews.gui.plugin.prtf.PrtfDialog2021.01Not used anymore, will be removedPRTF Display
Trends displaynl.wldelft.fews.gui.plugin.trend.TrendDisplay2021.01Not used anymore, will be removedTrends Display
Longitudinal displaynl.wldelft.fews.gui.plugin.longitudinaldisplay.LongitudinalDisplayDialog2021.01Replaced by Time Series DisplayDisplay Groups
Old Archive displaynl.wldelft.fews.gui.plugin.taskRunDialog.TaskRunDialogFewsExplorerPlugin2017.02This is a general display plugin in combination with archiveTask elementArchive Display
2nd map used anymore, will be removed. The default Map display in Delft-FEWS will not be removed, only the second map display.
Lookup Displaynl.wldelft.fews.gui.plugin.lookupscenario.LookUpWhatIfScenarioDialog2021.01Not used anymore, will be removed
What-If Displaynl.wldelft.fews.gui.plugin.scenario.WhatIfScenarioDialog2023.01Will be replaced by new What-If functionality in combination with modifiers. More information will follow.t.b.d. no need to take action now, more information will follow.

Most functions replaced by new what-if editor module. Process for removal of code is as follows:

  1. Migrate internally managed configurations
  2. Create migration plan
  3. Publish migration plan and EOL date
  4. Removal of old what-if scenario code
What-If Display

Note: The log messages for displays can be confusing. When for example a message "explorerTask Map Display is obsolete and not supported anymore in Fews version 2023.01" is logged, check the explorerTasks in the Explorer.xml file. Delft-FEWS logs the explorerTask name that is configured in the Explorer.xml file. The taskClass for the explorerTask will be one of the listed display modules.

Note 2: It is also possible that Delft-FEWS logs a module as obsolete that has never been part of the Delft-FEWS code. This can be an external plugin that is not developed by Deltares. Check the taskClass in the explorerTasks elements of the Explorer.xml and find out who is the developer of this plugin. The developer need to be contacted to check if the module is supported in future Delft-FEWS releases.

FEWS Workflow Modules that will be removed

The following FEWS Workflow modules are flagged end of live. These modules are or will be removed form the main Delft-FEWS code. The table below lists the modules together with the FEWS release when the plugin will be removed. 

ModuleFEWS ClassFEWS VersionNoteWIKI
EA Import
Threshold Eventnl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.
2021Replaced by Time Series ImportEA ImportEA Exportnl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.dataExport.EaExport2021.01Replaced by Time Series ExportEA Export
02This module is replaced by a predefinedActivityThresholds
Old Archive  Forecastnl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.archive.ForecastArchiver2017.02Replaced by new open Archive ModuleArchive
Old Archive  Time Seriesnl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.archive.TimeSeriesArchiver2017.02Replaced by new open Archive ModuleArchive
Old Archive  Thresholdsnl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.archive.ThresholdEventsArchiver2017.02Replaced by new open Archive ModuleArchive
Old Archive  Configurationnl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.archive.ConfigurationArchiver2017.02Replaced by new open Archive ModuleArchive
Rolling Barrelnl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.rollingbarrel.RollingBarrelModule2021.01Rolling barrel not required anymore on client-server system. For SA, add to Explorer TasksRolling Barrel
RDBMS Export

Amalgamatenl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.amalgamate.AmalgamateModule2021.01Replaced by Import amalgamate moduleAmalgamate
Old Transformation Module
EA Importnl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.
Most functions replaced by new Transformation module. Contact Deltares if you have issues converting the config
Replaced by Time Series ImportEA Import
EA Exportnl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.dataExport.EaExport2021.01Replaced by Time Series ExportEA Export
Interpolation Modulenl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.interpolation.InterpolationController2023.01Most functions replaced by new Transformation module. Contact Deltares if you have issues converting the configTransformation
Lookup Modulenl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.lookup.LookUpController2023.01Most functions replaced by new Transformation module. Contact Deltares if you have issues converting the configTransformation
Correlation Modulenl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.correlation.correlationController2023.01Most functions replaced by new Transformation module. Contact Deltares if you have issues converting the configTransformation
Performance Indicator
Old Transformation Modulenl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.
TransformationControllert.b.d. no need to take action now, more information will follow.Most functions replaced by new Transformation module.
Contact Deltares if you have issues converting the configTransformation
Will be removed once the old what-if scenarios functionality can been removed.Transformation
Performance Indicator Module
Threshold Event
ThresholdEventCrossingModule2013.02This module is replaced by a predefinedActivityThresholds
PerformanceIndicatorControllert.b.d. no need to take action now, more information will follow.Most functions replaced by new Transformation module. Transformation

FEWS Web Services APIs that will be removed

The following FEWS Web Services APIs are flagged end of live. These APIs will be removed form the main Delft-FEWS code. The table below lists the modules together with the FEWS release when the module will be removed. 

ModuleFEWS Web Services APIFEWS VersionNoteWIKI
SOAP ServiceFEWS PI SOAP Web Service - EOL 2021.02

2023.01 (all branches)

02 (main branche*)

Replaced by REST API: /rest/fewspiservice/v1
Based on individual agreements we have maintained overlap of SOAP/REST functionality in specific client branches 

SOAP ServiceUmAquo SOAP Web Service2022.02

JDBC ServerJDBC Server of FEWS database tables2022.02Replaced by REST APIFews JDBC server - EOL 2022.02#Windows

*main branches are the 'normal' *.01/.*02 branches (without any postfix) which are distributed to most of our clients.

FEWS Region and System descriptors that will be removed

Since the Delft-FEWS 2014.01 release most of the Descriptor files in the Region and System config folders are not used anymore. Config errors are logged when these descriptor files are still in the config folders. These files need to be removed from the Delft-FEWS configuration 

DescriptorConfig FolderFEWS VersionNoteWIKI
Correlation Events DescriptorsRegionConfigFiles2018.01Not required anymore, delete from config folderCorrelation Events
Display DescriptorsSystemConfigFiles2018.01Not required anymore, delete from config folderDisplay
Display Instance DescriptorsSystemConfigFiles2018.01Not required anymore, delete from config folderDisplay Instance
Flag Conversion DescriptorsRegionConfigFiles2018.01Not required anymore, delete from config folderFlag Conversion
ID Mapping DescriptorsRegionConfigFiles2018.01Not required anymore, delete from config folderID Map
Module DescriptorsSystemConfigFiles2018.01Not required anymore, delete from config folderModule
TravelTime DescriptorsRegionConfigFiles2018.01Not required anymore, delete from config folderTravel Times
Unit Conversion DescriptorsRegionConfigFiles2018.01Not required anymore, delete from config folderUnit Conversion
Log4jConfig.xmlRoot2018.02Not required anymore, is included in Delft-FEWS binariesLogging

How to assess if your configuration contains end of life configuration


Start logging obsolete modules and workflow plugins
explorerTask What-if Scenario is obsolete and not supported anymore in Fews version 202320xx.01xx
DisplayDescriptors is obsolete and not supported anymore
DisplayInstanceDescriptors is obsolete and not supported anymore
ModuleDescriptors is obsolete and not supported anymore
Module RollingBarrel is obsolete and not supported anymore
End logging obsolete modules and workflow plugins


If you have a Support & Maintenance contract with Deltares and want Deltares to support you with updating your configuration, please contact the Delft-FEWS support team. Especially for transformation, interpolation, performance modules we expect some users will have issues converting the old configuration files to the new modules. In 2021 While developing the new functionality we will investigate what configuration conversion issues the Delft-FEWS users have may encounter and provide more information to make the conversion as easy as possible. More guidance will be provided on the WIKI for these conversion activities.


Transformation conversions

Cleanup of the Delft-FEWS configuration

A new page is made that provides guidance in clean-up of Delft-FEWS configurations: Delft-FEWS Configuration Clean-up