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Within FEWS, and thus NGMS, locations are essential as they are the placeholder to all model inputs and output.
The locations concept and the application within NGMS is described in a seperate page.
One of the most time consuming and error prone parts of the system is setting up those locations and ensuring that the Ids of observation data and model data, as defined in the WEL and STR files, match the licences and or gauging stations. To assist in this process, a standard data template has been produced for specyfying the locations, as well as an locations-generator spreadsheet which automates the process of sorting, IdMapping and XML-file generation.

Note on tooltips

Locations on the Explorer-map have tooltips showing details on licences, coordinates etc. Within a tooltip, a line-feed is established by useing '\n' (backward slash n).
The sorting macro combines tooltips of children by combining strings which end with , Column: , Layer:.

Notes on OSreference

OSreferences will provide the unique key to identify locations. The sorting macro will add layer details where needed, but the configurator has to ensure that two different boreholes/gauges etc. have two differents OSreferences.
Go to: How to populate OSreference coordinates from kilometer-coordinates

Step 5.1 Check table structure of all worksheets in Data spreadsheet handed over

Go to #Step 5.2. Grids_loc
The starting condition of this step is a populated DataTemplate, which contains all relevant information for the model.

When running the NGMS_Locations_Generator, it will pick up this spreadsheet, conduct a variety of checks and sorts all locations in the appropriate order. For this purpose, the Generator uses hard-coded references to named worksheets and specific columns within a worksheet. To prevent failure in this processing, the following checks the need to be conducted on the table structure of the populated DataTemplate.

The comparison is done against the Empty_DataTemplate spreadsheet.

  1. worksheet GWabs_org
    • ensure that no more than 4 runs are listed (column A-D), as the IdMapping can currently handle 4 runs only
      Note: If more than 4 runs are to be processed, use a second spreadsheet and fill column A-D with the line numbers of the wells in those runs. Please ensure that both spreadsheets contain the same locations.
    • ensure that LicenceNo starts in column F (i.e. C6)
  2. worksheet SWlat_org
    • See above: ensure that no more than 4 runs are listed (column A-D), as the IdMapping can currently handle 4 runs only
      Note: If more than 4 runs are to be processed, use a second spreadsheet and fill column A-D with the line numbers of the wells in those runs. Please ensure that both spreadsheets contain the same locations.
    • ensure that ConsentNo/LicenceNo starts in column I (i.e. C9).
  3. worksheet Branches_org
    • check if reachNr is in column C (C3); chainage is in column D (C4), OSRef is in column J (C10)
    • if not, copy the worksheet from teh Empty_DataTemplate and popualte again
    • add column D and column J from the Empty_DataTemplate.xls
  4. worksheet GWabs_IDmap_hist; GWabs_IDmap_nat; GWabs_IDmap_recact; GWabs_IDmap_fullic
    • if not available, copy all 4 from Empty_DataTemplate
  5. worksheet SWlat_IDmap_hist; SWlat_IDmap_nat; SWlat_IDmap_recact; SWlat_IDmap_fullic
    • if not available, copy all 4 from Empty_DataTemplate

The DataTemplate contains one macro, called 'CheckData' which checks if the essential data is in place. While the details will be addressed in the various steps below, most errors are caused if abovementioned steps are not properly conducted or if the OSreference column is empty. An OSreference column with empty or 'na' is not acceptable as this column is the key for creating a unique locationId

Step 5.2 Create and populate worksheets for Grids: Grids_loc and Grids_locSets

Go to #Step 5.3. GW management units

The worksheets Grids_loc and Grids_locSets are manually prepared. They specify the grid geometry and associated location sets as used in the data processing.

Step 5.3 Create and populate worksheet for GW management units: GWunits_loc and GWunits_locSets

Go to #Step 5.4. GW abstractions

The worksheets GWunits_loc and GWunits_locSets are manually prepared. They specify the predefined GWMUs (groundwater management units) and associated location sets as used in the data processing.

Step 5.4 Populate and verify worksheet for groundwater abstractions: GWabs_org

Go to #Step 5.5. Observation boreholes

The worksheet GWabs_org holds location information on the groundwater abstractions as defined in the model runs (WEL file). The worksheet GWabs_org is populated by the data provider. The information is used to generate the Locations.xml holding the XY-position of the abstraction as well as the tooltip shown on the Multi-layer abstractions or multi-licence abstractions will be sorted by the macro and assigned a 'parent' location shown on the Explorer-map. Various grouping methods will be applied to assign the abstractions to different location sets. The macro will use this worksheet in combation with the GWabs_IDmap-worksheets to define the IdMapping between the location defined in the spreadsheet and the time series as held in the WEL file.

Notes on the use of columns:

  • The sorting macro contains hard-coded column references. It is therefore essential that column E is empty and column F holds the LicenceNo. One may not list more than 4 WEL files in the first 4 columns. If more WEL-files need to be accounted for, is recommended to create a second spreadsheet (see details #More than four runs provided).
  • The XY-position of the NGR will be adopted as the XY-coordinate of the point location for this borehole. Taking this position over the actual NGR-coordinate ensures that the interpolation from grid cell to OBH - using the closest distance method - will be in line with the way the model has been set up.
  • The NGR-coordinates are typically displayed in the tooltip.
  • The OSreference will be used for the unique identifier of each abstraction. It is essential that this OSreference is based on the NGR coordinate.

Please conduct the following verification and preparation steps:

  1. Remove the example rows (if any) such that the row 40 is the first one containing the actual data
  2. Populate column I (OSreference) based on NGR (Easting, Northing) of borehole (column K and L).
  3. Check that column A,B,C,D are populated in correspondence to the provided runs (ModuleDataSets)
  4. Check that the number of locations/licences as listed in the spreadsheet corresponds (at least) to the number of wells in each WEL-file
  5. Define concatenate functions for cell B16, B17, B18, B19, B21, B22. The actual contents depends on data availability.
  6. Verify that the column(s) as used for the concatenate functions are properly populated with appropriate information (i.e. preferably no empty cells, 'unknowns, 'na' etc.). If necessary apply an 'IF-construction on the concatenate function. This verification is especially critical for columns being used in location names.



    used in

    recommended content

    recommended concatenate function



    Explorer (map and filter)

    licence code, purpose code (if any), site name, layer

    =IF(O40<>"";F40&""&G40&" - "&S40&" (L"&O40&")";F40&""&G40&" - "&S40)



    Graph legends

    if possible shorter version of above




    Description in Explorer-tooltip

    location type, GW-unit, Formation

    =T40 & " in GW-unit " & W40 & " ("&X40&") from " & Y40 &" formation."


    Tooltip on map

    free text Explorer-tooltip

    licence holder, licence details, NGR, model coordinates (XYZ and RC)

    =IF(U40="";"";"Licence holder: " &U40 & " (" &F40 & " - "&G40&")\n ")& "Easting: "&K40&", Northing: " &L40& " "&M40& ", Model-Y: "&N40&" "&P40&", Column: "&Q40&", Layer: "&O40&""



    Shortcuts in GraphDisplay

    see shortname or variations

    see shortname or variations



    Shortcuts in GraphDisplay

    see shortname or variations

    see shortname or variations

If the table accounts for more than 4 WEL files (i.e. column E and possibly F are used to hold line numbers as well), one should do the following steps:

  1. Create a copy of the spreadsheet
  2. Remove the additional columns (E possibly F) from the 'original' spreadsheet and ensure that concatenate functions are still valid
  3. In the spreadsheet-copy, move contents of additional columns (E possibly F) to column A and B. Empty column C and D if needed.
    Ensure that concatenate functions are still valid

Step 5.5 Populate and verify worksheet for observation boreholes: OBH_org

Go to #Step 5.6. Gauges

The worksheet OBH_org holds location information on the observation boreholes which are used to present observation data model results in graphical form. The worksheet OBH_org is populated by the data provider. The information is used to generate the Locations.xml holding the XY-position of the observation borehole as well as the tooltip shown on the Multi-layer observation boreholes will be sorted by the macro and assigned a 'parent' location shown on the Explorer-map. Various grouping methods will be applied to assign the observation boreholes to different location sets.

Notes on the use of columns:

  • The XY-position of the grid cell will be adopted as the XY-coordinate of the point location for this borehole. Taking this position over the actual NGR-coordinate will ensures that the interpolation from gridcell to OBH - using the closest distance method - will be in line with the way that the model has been set up.
  • The NGR-coordinates are typically displayed in the tooltip.
  • The OSreference will be used for the unique identifier of each borehole. It is recommended, but not required, to convert the gridcell position to OSreference. In any case, please document properly what coordinate has been used for this purpose.
  • The sorting macro contains hard-coded column references. It is therefore essential that SitceCode starts at column C. Note the difference with column usage for the GW abstraction points.

Please conduct the following verification and preparation steps:

  1. Remove the example rows (if any) such that the row 36 is the first one containing the actual data
  2. Populate column D (OSreference) based on XY-coordinate of the associated grid cell (column H and I).
  3. Define concatenate functions for cell B14, B15, B16, B17, B19, B20. The actual contents depends on data availability.
  4. Verify that the column(s) as used for the concatenate functions are properly populated with appropriate information (i.e. preferably no empty cells, 'unknowns, 'na' etc.). If necessary apply an 'IF-construction on the concatenate function. This verification is especially critical for columns being used in location names.
  5. Verify that observation locations do not refer to layer numbers which are not supported by the model. Data mapping is done on a model layer basis. Hence, an observation in layer 0 will not receive information if the model contains layer 1-3.



    used in

    recommended content

    recommended concatenate function



    Explorer (map and filter)

    site name & site code (optional layer)

    =N36&" - "&C36



    Graph legends

    if possible shorter version of above




    Description in Explorer-tooltip

    location type, GW-unit, Formation

    =O36 & " in GW-unit " & P36 & " ("&Q36&") from " & R36 &" formation."


    Tooltip on map

    free text Explorer-tooltip

    borehole details (if any), NGR, model coordinates (XYZ and RC)

    ="Top of borehole: "&U36&" mAOD, Base of borehole: "&V36&" mAOD\n Easting: "&F36&", Northing: " &G36& " "&H36& ", Model-Y: "&I36&" "&K36&", Column: "&L36&", Layer: "&J36&""



    Shortcuts in GraphDisplay

    see shortname or variations

    see shortname or variations



    Shortcuts in GraphDisplay

    see shortname or variations

    see shortname or variations

Step 5.6 Populate and verify worksheet for gauging stations: Gauges_org

Go to #Step 5.7. SW laterals

The worksheet Gauges_org holds location information on the stream and river gauging stations which are used to present observation data and model results in graphical form. The worksheet Gauges_org is populated by the data provider. The information is used to generate the Locations.xml holding the XY-position of the gauging stations as well as the tooltip shown on the Various grouping methods will be applied to assign the gauging stations to different location sets.

Notes on the use of columns:

  • The XY-position of the grid cell will be adopted as the XY-coordinate of the point location for this gauge. Taking this position over the actual NGR-coordinate will ensures that the interpolation from gridcell to gauge - using the closest distance method - will be in line with the way that the model has been set up.
  • The NGR-coordinates are typically displayed in the tooltip.
  • The OSreference will be used for the unique identifier of each gauge. It is recommended, but not required, to convert the gridcell position to OSreference. In any case, please document properly what coordinate has been used for this purpose.
  • The sorting macro contains hard-coded column references. It is therefore essential that SiteCode starts at column C. Note the difference with column usage for the GW abstraction points.

Please conduct the following verification and preparation steps:

  1. Remove the example rows (if any) such that the row 35 is the first one containing the actual data
  2. Populate column B (OSreference) based on XY-coordinate of the associated grid cell(column F and G).
  3. Define concatenate functions for cell B12, B13, B14, B15, B17, B18. The actual contents depends on data availability.
  4. Verify that the column(s) as used for the location name are properly populated with appropriate information (i.e. preferably no 'unknowns, 'na' etc.)
  5. Verify that observations do not refer to layer numbers which are not supported by the model. Data mapping is done on a model layer basis. Hence, gaugeboards in layer 0 do not receive information if the model contains layer 1-3).



    used in

    recommended content

    recommended concatenate function



    Explorer (map and filter)

    site name & site code

    =L35&" - "&A35



    Graph legends

    if possible shorter version of above




    Description in Explorer-tooltip

    site description, river (if necessary)

    =M35 & " " & N35


    Tooltip on map

    free text Explorer-tooltip

    NGR, model coordinates (XYZ and RC)

    ="Easting: "&D35&", Northing: " &E35& " "&F35& ", Model-Y: "&G35&" "&I35&", Column: "&J35&", Layer: "&H35&""



    Shortcuts in GraphDisplay

    see shortname or variations

    see shortname or variations



    Shortcuts in GraphDisplay

    see shortname or variations

    see shortname or variations

Step 5.7 Populate and verify worksheet for SW laterals (discharges and abstractions): SWlat_org

Go to #Step 5.8. Branches

The worksheet SWlat_org holds location information on the surface water abstractions and discharges as defined in the model runs. The worksheet SWlat_org is populated by the data provider. The information is used to generate the Locations.xml holding the XY-position of the SW abstractions and discharges as well as the tooltip shown on the Multiple abstractions/discharges one grid cell will be sorted by the macro and assigned a 'parent' location shown on the Explorer-map. If the STR-file is the only source of time series information, the parent will be used to hold the time series information. The information detail may be improved if seperate time series are available for import and mapping to individual abstractions/discharges. Various grouping methods will be applied to assign the abstractions to different location sets. The macro will use this worksheet in combation with the SWlat_IDmap-worksheets to define the IdMapping between the locations defined in the spreadsheet and the time series as held in the STR file.

Notes on the use of columns:

  • The XY-position of the grid cell will be adopted as the XY-coordinate of the point location for this gauge. Taking this position over the actual NGR-coordinate will ensures that the interpolation from gridcell to gauge - using the closest distance method - will be in line with the way that the model has been set up.
  • The NGR-coordinates are typically displayed in the tooltip.
  • The OSreference will be used for the unique identifier of each gauge. It is recommended, but not required, to convert the gridcell position to OSreference. In any case, please document properly what coordinate has been used for this purpose.
  • The sorting macro contains hard-coded column references. It is therefore essential that SitceCode starts at column C. Note the difference with column usage for the GW abstraction points.

Step 5.8 Populate and verify worksheet for river branches: Branches_org

Go to #Step 5.9. IdMaps for GW abstraction

The worksheet Branches_org is populated by the data provider.

Step 5.9 Populate and verify worksheets with IdMap data for GW abstractions: GWabs_IDMap (4 worksheets)

Go to #Step 5.10. IdMaps for SW laterals

The worksheets need to be populated with results from step 4.

Step 5.10 Populate and verify worksheets for SW laterals: SWlat_IDMap (4 worksheets)

Go to #Step 5.11. Generate Location XML-files

The worksheets need to be populated with results from step 4.

Step 5.11 Generate Location XML-files

Go to #Step 5.12. Update Grisd.xml file

If everything is ready,

  1. create a backup
  2. run macro x
  3. inspect results
  4. create XML files

Step 5.12 Update Grids.XML file

the Grids.xml file needs to be update with some data from step 4.

  • No labels