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Water Coach application configuration




Configuration of the Water Coach application

schema location


In the application configuration, global settings for the Water Coach (fka FEWS Game) which are valid for all scenarios/scripts can be specified.

Schema definition

The structure of the XML-schema for the application configuration is as shown on the right.


The keys in the XML-schema are explained in the figure on the right. Some of the keys are explained in more detail here.
Note: when 'relative path' is mentioned, this is the relative path with respect to the location of the Water Coach executable (i.e. not the FEWS executable).

  • The value of the key locale must be a 2-letter abbreviation of the language in which the game screens will be displayed (currently available: EN for English or NL for Dutch). For specific applications, extensions to this locale are supported (currently available: EN_AU_BOM for the BoM in Australia).
  • Historical scenarios/scripts may be familiar to players of the game. Therefore it is possible to hide the year of the scenario/script in the Water Coach by setting the flag hideYear to true. Note that for the Water Coach a copy of the operational system should be used since some changes in the FEWS configuration are required; see below. A better option for misleading players is to overrule the date/time of the historical scenario by explicitly setting the in-game time in the script configuration.
  • The key fewsExecutable must contain the (absolute or relative) path to the FEWS executable, which is usually located in the bin-directory of a FEWS release. On the Linux platform, the FEWS executable is the shell script See below for required changes in the FEWS configuration.
  • The key fewsRegionDir is the (absolute or relative) path to the so-called region directory of FEWS. The region directory contains the FEWS configuration (the Config-subdirectory) and the global properties for the FEWS configuration. The Water Coach is generic and can be used with any FEWS configuration. Note that on a Windows system, the FEWS region directory is also specified in the so-called jpif-file that is located in the bin-directory of the FEWS system. This specification must be consistent with the one in FewsRegionDir.
  • The system time in FEWS is controlled by the Water Coach. The frequency for updating the FEWS system time is specified by the key fewsSystemTimeUpdateInMinutes. See below for required changes in the FEWS configuration. (obsolete as of FEWS release 2013.02)
  • Scenarios/scripts that can be played with the Water Coach must be part of a scenario/script database. The key scenarioScriptDatabasePath contains the (absolute or relative) path to the scenario/script database.
  • Events in a script can be associated with a file that is executed during the game. For example, a pdf-file can be associated with an event to simulate an incoming e-mail or an mp3-file to simulate telephone calls. Using the key fileAssociation, programs can be specified with which files with indicated extensions must be processed. Default file associations are used if nothing is specified here.
  • In the section timeControl, the presence of buttons for time control during the game can be configured, namely a pause/play button, a next button for jumping to the next scheduled event in the script, fast Forward/Backward buttons for speeding up/down time, and a set button for adjusting the time manually.
  • Section experienceLevel contains configuration of experience levels in the game. With the key levels, the actual experience levels are defined, separated by semi-colons, e.g. "Beginner;Intermediate;Expert". In the script configuration, events can be defined for each of these experience levels. The flag adjustLevel indicates that the experience level can be adjusted during the game.
  • Communication between FEWS and the Water Coach is handled by the so-called FEWS PI service. This service requires a port number that must be specified in the section fewsPiPortNumber. See below for required changes in the FEWS configuration.
  • The key fewsLogEventCodes accepts a list (separated by semi-colons) of event codes from FEWS that have to be logged in the Water Coach log, e.g. "Info;ManualForecast.started".
  • The option to visualize the script can be activated by setting showVisualizeScriptButton to true.
  • The Water Coach can be played combined with the so-called "procedure game", developed for the Dutch Water Service (Waterdienst). In such a combined setting, the hostname and the port number for connecting to the combined game must be specified in serverHostName and serverPort, respectively. Furthermore, forecasts must be published to a file in so-called PI-format. This can be accomplished by setting the key writePiOutput to true (defaults to false).
  • The keyword participant should be used to indicated the game is part of a combined setting. See also below.
  • The option copyLocalDataStore has been added to aid the script configurator. If you are working on the script for one scenario, you can turn of the copying of the localDataStore at the start-up of the Water Coach by temporarily setting this keyword to false.
  • The keywords log4jConfigPath and logPath can be set to overrule the default locations of the log input and output files.

FEWS configuration

It is advisable to use a copy of the operational system for the Water Coach, to prevent any possible obstructions to operational activities. Also, some minor changes are needed in the FEWS configuration in order to use it with the Water Coach:
Note: for a more detailed description of the FEWS configuration files, please refer to the wiki pages of the Delft FEWS Configuration Guide.

  1. FEWS configuration file Explorer.xml in the directory SystemConfigFiles** the dateTime section  
    1. In order to hide the year within FEWS, the dateTimeFormat must be configured accordingly.  
    2. The cardinalTimeStep should be consistent with fewsSystemTimeUpdateInMinutes. Indeed, it makes no sense to set it in the Water Coach to 1 minute, while it is set to 1 hour in the FEWS configuration (although this will not cause any problems in the game). (obsolete as of FEWS release 2013.02)
    3. The element adjustSystemTimeAutomatically should be set to 'true', otherwise it will not be possible for the Water Coach to alter the systemTime during the game. (Also make sure that you don't have a T0 configured in the file).
    4. The port number fewsPiPortNumber for the FEWS PI service has to be in the range of port numbers that must be specified in Explorer.xml. Note: by specifying this range the PI service is started. This part of the configuration can be kept the same in the operational configuration.
      <piServicePortRange start="8100" end="8200"/>
    5. To distinguish the FEWS configuration for the Water Coach, one could change the name and panel labels. The name of the Explorer window is configured with systemCaption and the name of the panels with panelHeaderLabels. For example, the term TRAINING or SERIOUS GAME could be added to the captions of these panels.  (obsolete as of FEWS release 2013.02 since the FEWS user interface contains a yellow border when operated in Water Coach mode)
  2. Depending on the set-up of the scenario and script database, an additional change could be required, see Scenario and Script database.
  3. Note: with some configurations at the start-up of fews via the water coach, the error message 'Fault occurred' may occur. This message can be ignored.
  4. Since all data for a scenario is pre-loaded in the FEWS local data store, it is desirable to hide certain data after the current system time, e.g. measurement data. This can be accomplished by specifying hideExternalHistoricalAfterSystemTime=true in the file, which is located in the FEWS configuration directory. As the name of this key implies, only time series of the type "external historical" are hidden; time series of the types "external forecast", "simulated historical", and "simulated forecast" are completely visible. As of FEWS release 2012.02, this step is no longer required.

FEWS configuration - Delay visibility of forecasts

When Fews is used in combination with the Water Coach, automatically forecast made in "the future" are invisible, both in the displays as in the forecast manager. Forecasts that where current in the past at the system time are made current again.

In practice, forecasts often come available with a certain delay. To take this into account, a delay can be specified for a workflow in the workflow descriptors.

	<workflowDescriptor id="exampleWorkFlow" visible="true" forecast="true">
		<waterCoachDelay unit="hour" multiplier="4"/>

FEWS configuration - Participant mode

The Water Coach can be used in the so called participant mode. In that case there is on "master" Water Coach session, which controls the LocalDataStore as used by FEWS. The other students start up the Water Coach and make a connection to this same LocalDataStore. For this the shared LocalDataStore should be available to all students (e.g. network, citrix, internet). Also, some actions are necessary.

  • The master Water Coach session needs to make her LocalDataStore shareable using the F12-P function within the Fews application. In the future this action will be done automatically, if the Water Coach application is so configured.
  • Start the embeded vdjbc server using the F12-L option. This action provides an IP adress and port number in the log-window of the Fews application. These should correspond to the IP adress and port defined in the client_config.xml file of the particpant Water Coach sessions.
  • For now, the master Water Coach session can not make use of the Fews application, since her LocalDataStore is not updated by changes made by the participants.


Example of application configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <config xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <name>Example of application configuration</name>
      <fileAssociation extension="pdf">C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe</fileAssociation>
      <fileAssociation extension="jpg">C:\WINDOWS\system32\mspaint.exe</fileAssociation>
      <!-- option for developer, useful when you are working on the same scenario -->
  • No labels