On this page we include some documentation on the source and processing datasets we disseminate via our OpenEarth servers.
Per owner/organization
- Rijkswaterstaat
- JarKus beach profiles
- Kustlijnen coast lines
- Vaklodingen coastal bathymetry/topography
- Kusthoogte coastal lidar grids (Kusthoogte is official Rijkswaterstaat name, here it is called Kustlidar)
- DF dune foot position
- MHW_MLW mean high water and mean low water
- Coastal grain size fields VTV
- Sediment atlas Wadden Sea
- Suppeties sand nourishments
- DONAR MWTL timeseries: Waterbase
- DONAR Rijkswaterstaat FerryBox on vessel Zirfaea
- DONAR Rijkswaterstaat ScanFish on vessel Zirfaea
- DONAR CTD profiles at MWTL locations on vessel Zirfaea
- Cefas Smart mooring buoy
- Rijkswaterstaat pole near Boontjes in the Wadden Sea (6 months in 2012): turbidity, temperature, salinity, velocity (ADCP).
- Faalkans probability of failure of dunes
- http://www.knmi.nl
- MV100, digital elevation map of the Netherlands (land elevation + water depths)
- North Sea (Dutch Continental Shelf) grain size maps
- DINO cores
- BRO Inspire Services
- Deltares
- Delta flume experiments
- pdok
- Bathymetric surveys 25x25m
Per theme
- Bathymetric surveys 25x25m
- Cohesive sediments
- TNO North Sea (Dutch Continental Shelf) grain size maps, incl percentage mud
- Sediment atlas Wadden Sea
- Rijkswaterstaat Suspended sediment time series
- Rijkswaterstaat Cefas buoy
- Rijkswaterstaat scanfish
- ...
- Nederland
- Bodemkaart